Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery
Always Innovating
It's always been a key part of Dr. Eidelson's practice of spinal medicine, to continue to improve technique and technology. Once a new technology has been demonstrated to be safe and effective, he does his own investigation and research to evaluate whether it is appropropriate for patients. Typically, that research will reveal a subset of patients who are ideal candidates for a new technique.
Articles About Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery

For appropriate patients, disc replacement can be an excellent substitute for traditional fusion techiques, In a spinal fusion, two vertebrae are "fused" together to treat back pain. Artificial Discs replace the disc between two vertebrae. The artificial disc is flexible and retains motion in the affected parts of the spine.

One of the most recent advances in Spine Surgery has been the introduction of the LITe® Decompression System, and the associated Surgical System. It has become an important part of my "armentarium" (a fancy word we surgeons use to describe all the resources at our disposal)

One of the most important innovations in spine surgery has been the introduction of "Image Guided Surgery". New technology and low dose radiation techniques now allow us to "visualize" without actually making a large incision. (and low dose is at least as important to me as it is to you. I use this technology regularly)

Dr. Eidelson has been a leader in the adoption of the minimally invasive Interspinous Process Decompression (IPD) technique.

Dr. Eidelson is one of the first surgeons in the United States to begin using the Mazor Robotics Renaissance™ System. Watch video of the Mazor system in action.

Dr. Eidelson performs robotic spine surgery at the Delray Medical Center using the Mazor Robotics Renaissance™ System. He was interviewed by Inside South Florida. Watch the video.

ABC Affiliate WPBF Channel 25 featured Dr. Eidelson and the Mazor Robotic Surgery System. Watch the video here.

During back or spine surgery, precision is everything. O-arm® technology allows the surgeon to view clear, real-time images of your body during surgery. These images allow the surgeon to see precisely where to place instruments and to make the best decisions during your surgery.

A technical video explains the mounting and use of the Mazor Robotic System